Nut Free Vegan Lunchbox Snack Ideas for School
It’s back to school here in Australia, and that means it’s also back to making nut free vegan school lunchboxes! Ugh. I think trying to come up with new school lunchbox ideas every week would be possibly the worst part of school (apart from possibly school traffic….). To make matters worse, both my kids’ schools are nut free this year, too. There goes my easy option of peanut butter sandwiches for rushed school mornings!
One thing that I find really helps with vegan school lunchboxes is to batch cook some snacks for the week on the weekend. I tend to make up one or two of these recipes for the week, and store them in the fridge. That way, they’re really easy to grab in the mornings (or the night before if I’m organised enough).
I’ve shared my kids’ 8 favourite nut free vegan school lunchbox snack recipes below.
Nut Free Vegan Sweet Potato Chocolate Muffins

These vegan nut free chocolate muffins are perfect for school lunchboxes. They’re super rich and taste more like a brownie. Your kids will never guess they’re full of healthy sweet potato!

Nut Free Vegan Spinach Banana Muffins

These nut free muffins are another great veggie packed vegan option for your kids’ school lunchboxes. If your kids are a bit put off by the colour, you could try mixing through some chocolate chips.
Nut Free Muesli Bars

These vegan Nut Free Muesli Bars are my kids’ absolute favourite school lunchbox snack. Whenever I make these, I always have to make a double batch to make sure they last the week. This recipe might seem a bit fiddly with the sunflower seed butter, but it is definitely worth it, I promise.
Chocolate Hummus

I love to use this nut free chocolate hummus in school lunches. It is such a versatile recipe. You can use it as a dip for fruit, biscuits or pretzels (it is amazing with pretzels…). or even as a sandwich spread. It’s packed full of protein from the chickpeas, so can even be a good protein source for your kids if they don’t eat beans.
Oh, and if you happen to be able to use nuts for your kids, it tastes even better with some roasted hazelnuts mixed through….
Nut Free Chocolate Chip Chickpea Cookies

If you’re anything like me, and you went looking for chocolate chip chickpea cookies, you were probably also very disappointed that most of the recipes out there are based on peanut butter. Not the most useful when you’re trying to find nut free school lunchbox recipes!
So, I came up with this recipe that tastes just as good (if not better), without the nuts! I bet your kids will never tell these cookies are full of chickpeas (mine certainly can’t!).
Vegan Chocolate Zucchini Slice

This is another recipe that I’ve seen around a lot, but most versions I’ve found are packed full of coconut oil. This one uses zucchini and apple puree to make a delicious, oil free, super chocolatey slice.
Vegan School Lunchbox Banana Chickpea Muffins

If your kids love banana muffins, they’ll love these ones with hidden chickepas! My kids love these muffins with extra chocolate chips mixed through (my kids will eat anything if it has chocolate!).
Vegan 3 Ingredient Cake

This last recipe is my “oh my goodness, the shops are shut and we’ve got nothing for school lunches recipe”. That’s literally how I came up with it. I had nothing for lunches one evening, so threw together some yoghurt, flour and sugar in the hopes it might make something edible. I was utterly amazed at how well it turned out!
So, if you’re ever scrambling to come up with something last minute, this is your recipe.
I hope your kids love these nut free vegan school lunchbox recipes as much as mine do! If you’d like even more recipes, I’ve put together my 5 most popular nut free lunchbox recipes in a free ebook. You can grab your copy here.