Vegan Pantry Items Shopping List for Coronavirus
Since the Coronavirus has been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, there has been a lot more talk worldwide about quarantines and lock downs. When I think about a city lock down, which is happening right now in some parts of Europe, I keep thinking how hard it is going to be to feed my kids for 14 days. They can be fussy at times, and quite picky, and, quite frankly, they are NOT going to eat rice and beans for 14 days straight!
I’m guessing my kids aren’t the only ones who will revolt against a beans, rice and pasta diet. And I bet I’m not the only parent worrying about how to feed them for two or more weeks of lockdown.
So, I have put together a list of lockdown/quarantine friendly foods so that you can make sure you have healthy and, more imporantly, interesting foods on hand for your kids.
Don’t Forget the Freezer
First things first. Don’t forget freezer foods. Everywhere I look, people are talking about rice, pasta and beans. Don’t forget your freezer! This isn’t the same as an emergency kit for a storm or other natural disaster. These lockdowns are lasting for at least 2 weeks. That’s a long time to live off rice and beans.
More imporatntly, you are less likely to be without power and water. Yes, there are scenarios where all services could be cut, but this isn’t as likely as you simply being stuck at home for 2 – 4 weeks.
So, as I said, think about freezer food as well as pantry foods. Not only does this give you more variety, but you can also use frozen fruits and vegetables. These will give you extra vitamins and minerals, and help keep your immune system nice and strong. Something we desperately need right now!

Vegan Pantry and Freezer Items Shopping List
So, onto the shopping list.
Pantry Ingredients
- Tinned beans, lentil and chickpeas
- Rice, quinoa, noodles and pasta
- Tinned Soup (make sure it’s vegan)
- Cooking Oil (if you use it)
- Flour (if you’re stuck at home, baking can be a really great way to entertain the kids)
- Baking Powder
- Sugar
- Oats
- Nuts and Seeds
- Peanut Butter
- Lemon Juice
- Lime Juice
- Long Life Plant Based Milk
- Apple Puree (or apple sauce)
- Savoury Biscuits
- Sweet Biscuits
- Popcorn
- Vegan Muesli Bars
- Tea
- Coffee
Freezer Foods
- Frozen berries and other fruit
- Bananas (to freeeze)
- Frozen peas, corn, spinach and mixed vegetables
- Tofu (can be frozen)
- Frozen Edamame beans
- Bread (can be frozen)
- Wraps
Sauces and Flavourings (to make things interesting for 2 weeks!)
- Mustard
- Vegan Worcestershire Sauce
- Soy Sauce
- Maple Syrup
- Sesame Oil
- Garlic Powder
- Onion Powder
- Ginger Powder
- Nutritional Yeast
- Vegan Stock Powder
- Salt and Pepper
- Italian Herbs
- Olives
- Roasted Capsicum
- Sundried Tomatoes
Some Extras to Keep on Hand
- Panadol (or tylenol in the US) for adults and kids
- Throat Lozenges
- Vegan Multivitamin for adults and kids
- Herbal Tea (caffeine free so you can sleep)
- Spare Formula (if you use it)
- Spare Nappies (if required)
- Pads and tampons
- Dishwashing Liquid (1 bottle is plenty!)
- Laundry Detergent (1 bottle is plenty!)
- Thermometer
- Vegan Chocolate
- Ziplock bags for storing frozen foods
- Stickers and craft supplies for your kids
Thank you for this. It’s extremely helpful in this time of uncertainty. I look forward to the recipes!